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Why Do Protestants Reject Mary In Their Faith?

Protestant Views On Mary - Wikipedia

Why Do Protestants Reject Mary In Their Faith?

Former Protestant Pastor Tells How He Got Over His Objections To Mary

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Did Protestants Believe In Virgin Mary?

Did Protestants believe in the Virgin Mary? The position of Protestant reformers, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli, regarding the Virgin Mary was more nuanced than a straightforward rejection. While they did not oppose Mary herself, they took issue with certain theological practices associated with her veneration. These reformers acknowledged the importance of Mary in Christian tradition but objected to elevating her to the status of a mediator between God and humans or invoking her for divine intervention. Their concerns centered on maintaining a direct relationship with God and avoiding any intermediaries in religious matters.

Does The Protestant Church Worship Mary?

If someone had asked me to outline the key distinctions between Protestantism and Catholicism back then, I would probably have explained it this way: Protestants typically do not venerate Mary as Catholics do, and we reject the concept of a pope guiding our faith and dictating our moral principles. In other words, while Catholics hold Mary in high regard and have a pope as their spiritual leader, Protestants have a different approach to Mary’s role in Christianity and prefer a decentralized structure where individuals have more autonomy in interpreting and living out their faith.

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Protestant Views On Mary - Wikipedia
Protestant Views On Mary – Wikipedia
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Protestantism’S Great Heresy – Ignoring The Blessed Mother – The Jagged Word
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Former Protestant Pastor tells how he got over his objections to Mary
Former Protestant Pastor tells how he got over his objections to Mary

The Roman Catholic Church reveres Mary, the mother of Jesus, as “Queen of Heaven.” However, there are few biblical references to support the Catholic Marian dogmas — which include the Immaculate Conception, her perpetual virginity and her Assumption into heaven. This is why they are rejected by Protestants.The Protestant reformers didn’t have a beef with Mary per se. Some of the leading Protestant reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli all believed Mary was important. But they thought it was theologically wrong to treat Mary as God’s mediator or to call on her to intervene for God.Had I been asked at that time what the significant differences were between Protestants and Catholics, I likely would have said something along these lines: Protestants do not worship Mary, and we do not think we need a pope telling us what to believe and how to live.

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