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Trang chủ » 던 Grammar: 한국어 배우기에 이 규칙 하나로 만족할 수 있을까요? 효과적인 학습법 노하우 공개!

던 Grammar: 한국어 배우기에 이 규칙 하나로 만족할 수 있을까요? 효과적인 학습법 노하우 공개!

Korean grammar 한국어 문법 : 던, 었던

던 Grammar

던 grammar in Korean: A Comprehensive Guide


맞춤법이란 언어 사용 시 통일성과 명확성을 위해 규정된 규칙입니다. 한글 맞춤법은 한글을 기반으로 한 언어의 맞춤법 원칙을 의미합니다. 정확한 한글 맞춤법을 사용하면 의사소통이 원활해지며, 글을 읽는 사람들에게도 명확한 의미 전달이 가능합니다.

한글 맞춤법의 기초 원칙

한글 맞춤법의 기초 원칙은 다음과 같습니다. 첫째, 띄어쓰기는 단어와 단어 사이에 공백을 남깁니다. 이를 통해 글의 가독성을 높일 수 있습니다. 둘째, 문장부호는 문장의 뜻을 나타내기 위해 사용되며, 적절한 위치에 사용되어야 합니다. 셋째, 앞글자가 모음인 경우에는 ‘ㅇ’을 붙여서 씁니다. 마지막으로, 기호나 기호 앞뒤로는 띄어쓰기를 하지 않습니다.

음운규칙과 맞춤법

음운규칙은 명사, 동사, 형용사 등의 용언이 표현되는 언어 속에서 발생하는 소리와 발음의 규칙을 의미합니다. 한글 맞춤법에는 다양한 음운규칙이 적용되며, 이를 올바르게 사용하는 것이 중요합니다. 예를 들어, “르”로 끝나는 동사의 어미가 “ㄹ”과 만나는 경우, “르”를 “ㄹ”로 적습니다. 이러한 음운규칙을 따르지 않으면 올바른 맞춤법을 얻을 수 없습니다.

어미, 어간, 어간의 맞춤법

어미는 동사나 형용사의 어미로 붙거나, 명사와 결합하여 문법적 의미를 나타내는 부분입니다. 어간은 어미가 결합되어 문법적 의미를 나타내는 부분으로, 어근이라고도 합니다. 어간과 어미 모두 한글 맞춤법의 영향을 받으며, 다양한 규칙이 적용됩니다. 예를 들어, “동사 + 던”의 형태에서는 “던”을 붙일 때 어간의 받침 여부에 따라 “던” 또는 “든”으로 적습니다.

형태소 결함에 따른 맞춤법 규칙

형태소 결합은 단어들이 문장을 이루기 위해 서로 결합하는 과정입니다. 이 때, 형태소 결합으로 인해 생길 수 있는 결함은 한글 맞춤법 규칙에 의해 보완됩니다. 예를 들어, “있”는 형태소와 “던” 형태소가 결합하는 경우, “있던”으로 적습니다. 이처럼 형태소 결합에 따라 맞춤법이 적용되므로, 올바른 맞춤법 지침을 따라야 합니다.

명사, 대명사, 수사의 맞춤법

명사, 대명사, 수사는 한글 문법의 중요한 요소입니다. 이들의 맞춤법은 특정한 규칙에 따라 사용되며, 이를 지키지 않으면 의미 전달이 혼란스러워질 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, “수사 + 명사” 구조에서는 수사를 한글 맞춤법에 따라 적어야 합니다. 이렇게 맞춤법을 간과하지 않고 명사, 대명사, 수사를 적절하게 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.

동사, 형용사의 맞춤법

동사와 형용사는 한글 문장의 중심에 위치하며, 맞춤법적으로 올바르게 사용되어야 합니다. 동사와 형용사의 맞춤법은 다양한 약어와 줄임말의 사용 가능성, 앞뒤 맥락에 따라 다른 어미 사용 등 다양한 규칙이 적용됩니다. 맞춤법을 정확히 지키면서 동사와 형용사를 사용하면, 글을 읽는 사람들에게 명확한 의미를 전달할 수 있습니다.

접속사, 전치사, 부사의 맞춤법

접속사, 전치사, 부사는 문장의 접속, 위치, 의미 등을 나타내는 역할을 합니다. 이들의 맞춤법은 접속사의 사용 위치, 전치사의 결합, 부사의 형태 등 다양한 규칙에 의해 결정됩니다. 예를 들어, “전치사 + 명사” 구조에서는 전치사를 올바른 위치에 적어야 합니다. 이처럼 맞춤법에 따라 접속사, 전치사, 부사를 적절하게 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.

약어와 줄임말의 맞춤법

약어와 줄임말은 글을 간결하게 만들어주고, 효과적인 의사소통을 도와줍니다. 그러나 약어와 줄임말의 맞춤법은 어떻게 사용되어야 하는지 주의가 필요합니다. 예를 들어, “등(등등)”의 약어는 마침표가 필요하지 않지만, “신(신세계)”의 줄임말은 마침표를 붙여야 합니다. 약어와 줄임말을 정확히 사용하면, 글을 읽는 사람들에게 보다 명확한 의미 전달이 가능합니다.

특수한 경우에 따른 맞춤법 예외

한글 맞춤법에는 특수한 경우에 적용되는 예외사항들이 있습니다. 이를 알고 올바르게 사용하면 글을 읽는 사람들과의 의사소통이 원활해집니다. 예를 들어, “었던”과 “있던”은 과거에 일어났던 상황을 나타내는 데 사용되며, 각각의 특정한 원칙에 따라 사용됩니다. 이러한 특수한 경우에 따른 맞춤법 예외를 잘 숙지하는 것이 중요합니다.

던 grammar FAQs:

1. What does “던” mean?
던 is a Korean grammar particle that indicates a past situation or action. It is used to describe something that has happened in the past and has a sense of completion.

2. What is the difference between “었던” and “있던”?
“었던” and “있던” both indicate past actions or situations, but they are used in different contexts. “었던” is used when describing an action or situation that occurred in the past and has finished. “있던” is used when describing a state or condition that existed in the past.

3. What is the meaning of “잖아요” grammar?
“잖아요” is a grammar form used to emphasize a known information or to express a sense of “as you know.” It is often used when providing additional information or to make a point in a conversation.

4. How is “더라고요” grammar used?
“더라고요” is a grammar form used to express something that the speaker has personally experienced or witnessed. It adds credibility to the statement and is often used in storytelling or sharing personal anecdotes.

5. What does “잖아” mean?
“잖아” is an informal grammar form used to express a sense of “you know” or “I told you.” It is often used in casual conversations among friends or close acquaintances.

6. How should “던데요” be used in a sentence?
“던데요” is a grammar form used to provide additional information or to convey a sense of “by the way” or “for your information.” It is often used to add a side note or to introduce a related topic.

7. What is the difference between “던” and “었던던” grammar?
“던” and “었던던” both indicate a past action or situation, but they are used in different circumstances. “던” is used for general past actions or situations, while “었던던” is used for repeated past actions or situations.

In conclusion, understanding the various aspects of 던 grammar in Korean is crucial for effectively communicating and writing in the language. By following the rules and exceptions of Korean grammar, one can ensure clear and accurate expression in their Korean language usage.

Word count: 820

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 던 grammar 었던 grammar, 있던 grammar, 던 meaning, 잖아요 grammar, 더라고요 grammar, 잖아 grammar, 던데요 grammar, 던 vs 었던

Categories: Top 11 던 Grammar

Korean Grammar 한국어 문법 : 던, 었던

여기에서 자세히 보기:

었던 Grammar

었던 (eottteon) is a grammar structure in the Korean language that plays a significant role in expressing the past tense. By attaching 었던 to the verb stem, Koreans indicate that an action or event has already taken place in the past. Understanding how to properly use 었던 in context is essential for Korean language learners as it allows them to communicate effectively with native speakers. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of 었던, including its formation, usage, and common misconceptions.

Formation and Basic Usage of 었던

었던 is formed by combining the past tense marker 었 (eot) and the descriptive verb ending -던 (deon). To create 었던, you simply attach -던 to the verb stem that ends with a consonant. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

1. 가다 (gada) – to go
Past tense: 갔 (gat)
었던 form: 갔던 (gatdeon) – went

2. 보다 (boda) – to see
Past tense: 봤 (bwat)
었던 form: 봤던 (bwatdeon) – saw

3. 말하다 (malhada) – to speak
Past tense: 말했 (malhaet)
었던 form: 말했던 (malhaetdeon) – spoke

As demonstrated above, 었던 is added directly to the verb stem without any conjugations required. However, it is essential to note that if the verb stem ends with a vowel, 었던 changes to 였던 (yeotdeon). For instance:

1. 이다 (ida) – to be
Past tense: 있었 (isseot)
었던 form: 있었던 (isseotdeon) – was

2. 가르치다 (gareuchida) – to teach
Past tense: 가르쳤 (gareuchyeot)
었던 form: 가르쳤던 (gareuchyeotdeon) – taught

Usage of 었던

1. Indicate Past Actions
The primary function of 었던 is to express an action or event that occurred in the past. By attaching it to a verb stem, you provide the necessary context that the action took place before the current moment. For example:

제가 그 영화를 봤던 적이 있어요.
(Jega geu yeonghwareul bwatdeon jeogi isseoyo)
I have seen that movie before.

Here, the use of 봤던 indicates that the speaker has watched the movie in the past.

2. Describing Past Experiences
었던 is also used to describe past experiences. It emphasizes that an action happened previously and contributes to the overall narrative flow. Let’s consider an example:

어릴 때 한국에 갔던 적이 있어요.
(Eoril ttae hanguke gatdeon jeogi isseoyo)
I have been to Korea when I was young.

In this instance, 갔던 helps convey that the speaker has experience of visiting Korea in the past.

3. Recalling Past Events
Another usage of 었던 is to recall specific events that have happened. This form is often used to vividly remember and recount past experiences, as showcased below:

어제 친구가 말했던 일을 기억해요.
(Eoje chinguga malhaetdeon ireul gieokhaeyo)
I remember what my friend said yesterday.

In this sentence, 말했던 emphasizes the speaker’s clear memory of the past event when their friend spoke.

Common Misconceptions about 었던

Despite its clear usage, there are a few common misconceptions about 었던 that learners should be aware of. Let’s address them:

1. 었던 as a Verb Ending
Some learners mistakenly assume that 었던 functions as a verb ending itself. While it is true that 었던 is added to the verb stem, it is not a standalone verb ending and should not be confused as such. Instead, 었던 modifies the verb stem, providing it with the past tense meaning.

2. Using 었던 with Present Context
It is important to differentiate between 었던 and present tense markers when referring to past actions within a present context. 었던 indicates a completed action in the past, while present tense markers reflect ongoing or habitual actions. For instance, saying “저는 어제 먹었던 밥을 맛있게 먹고 있어요” (Jeoneun eoje meogeotdeon babeul masitge meokgo isseoyo) implies that the speaker is currently enjoying the meal they ate yesterday.

3. Confusion with Other Past Tense Forms
Many learners struggle to differentiate 었던 from other past tense forms, such as 었어요 (eosseoyo) and 았/었어 (at/eosseo). While all these forms indicate past events, the choice of form depends on the specific grammar context and the level of formality. 었던 is often used in lengthier descriptions or narratives compared to the other past tense forms.


Q: Can I use 었어요 instead of 었던?
A: Both 었어요 and 었던 express past actions but are used in different contexts. 었어요 is more commonly used in casual conversations or shorter descriptions, while 었던 is apt for lengthier narratives or when emphasizing past experiences.

Q: Do all Korean verbs follow the same formation rules for 었던?
A: Almost all verbs in Korean can use 었던 to express the past tense. However, irregular verbs may have slight alterations in their verb stem, so it is important to familiarize yourself with their specific conjugations.

Q: Are there any dialectal variations or regional differences in using 었던?
A: 었던 is widely used across all Korean dialects and regions without significant variations. However, pronunciation differences might exist due to regional accents or intonation patterns.

In conclusion, 었던 is a vital grammar structure in the Korean language that helps express past tense actions, experiences, and recalls. By mastering its formation and usage, language learners can enhance their communication skills and fluency in Korean. Remember to practice using 었던 in various contexts to solidify your understanding and become proficient in expressing the past in Korean.

있던 Grammar

있던 (itdeon) is a grammar structure in Korean that is used to indicate the past existence of something or someone. It is considered a past tense form of the verb 있다 (itda), which means “to exist” or “to have.” In this article, we will delve into the usage and application of 있던 grammar. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, this guide will provide you with an in-depth understanding of this Korean grammar structure.

Usage of 있던 Grammar
The 있던 grammar can be used in various situations to express a past existence. It is typically attached to the verb stem when conjugating, following regular verb conjugation rules. For example: 있다 (itda) becomes 있었다 (iss-eotda) when changing to the past tense. It is important to note that this grammar structure is used for inanimate objects, while 이었다 (ieotda) is used for animate objects.

1. Describing the past existence of an object/entity:
– 그 책은 도서관에 있었습니다. (Geu chaek-eun doseogwan-e iss-eotseumnida.)
(That book was in the library.)

2. Narrating past events:
– 어제는 비가 많이 오다가 갑자기 그쳤습니다. (Eoje-neun biga man-i oda-ga gabjagi geuchyeotseumnida.)
(Yesterday, it rained a lot and suddenly stopped.)

3. Expressing past experiences:
– 나는 한국에서 살았었습니다. (Naneun Hangug-eseo sal-ass-eotseumnida.)
(I used to live in Korea.)

4. Indicating the presence of something at a specific location:
– 길 위에 사고가 있었습니다. (Gil wi-e sagoga iss-eotseumnida.)
(There was an accident on the road.)

5. Stating past states of being:
– 이 방은 더러웠었어요. (I bang-eun deoleowosseosseoyo.)
(This room used to be dirty.)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is 있던 grammar used only in written or formal language?
No, 있다 and 있던 grammar can be used in both written and spoken language.

Q2. What is the difference between 있었다 and 있었어요?
– 있었다 (iss-eotda) is the formal past tense form of 있다 (itda).
– 있었어요 (iss-eosseoyo) is the formal past tense form with polite speech level.

Q3. How do I form negative sentences using 있던 grammar?
To form a negative sentence, you simply add the negative particle 안 (an) before the verb stem:
– 그 책은 도서관에 있지 않았습니다. (Geu chaek-eun doseogwan-e iss-ji an-assseumnida.)
(That book was not in the library.)

Q4. Can I use 있던 grammar for people or animals?
No, 있던 grammar is used for inanimate objects only. If you want to refer to the past existence of people or animals, use 이었다 (ieotda) instead.

Q5. Can 있던 grammar be used to discuss future possibilities?
No, 있던 grammar specifically refers to the past existence of something. To discuss future possibilities, use other grammar structures such as -(으)ㄹ 것이다 (-(eu)l geosida) or -(으)ㄹ 거예요 (-(eu)l geoyeyo).

Q6. Can 있던 grammar be used with action verbs?
No, this grammar structure is not used with action verbs. Instead, action verbs require different grammatical forms for the past tense.

Q7. Are there any exceptions or irregularities in using 있던 grammar?
No, 있던 grammar follows regular verb conjugation rules. However, it’s important to remember that animate objects require the use of 이었다 (ieotda) instead.

In conclusion, the 있던 grammar structure in Korean is used to express the past existence of something or someone. It is derived from the verb 있다 (itda) and follows regular verb conjugation rules. By mastering this grammar, learners can effectively communicate about the past, describe past situations and experiences, and narrate events. Use the FAQs section to clarify any doubts that may arise while using this grammar structure. Keep practicing and applying 있던 grammar to enhance your Korean language skills!

던 Meaning

던 (deon) is a verb ending in Korean that is commonly used to express past actions or states. It is often referred to as a past tense marker or a retrospective marker in the Korean language. Understanding the meaning and usage of 던 is crucial for anyone learning or trying to improve their Korean language skills. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of 던, including its various uses, conjugation, and frequently asked questions about this important verb ending.

Meaning and Usage of 던:

The primary function of 던 is to indicate that an action or state described in the sentence took place in the past. It is usually used when the action or state being referred to is no longer valid or has ended. The verb before 던 is always conjugated to its past tense form.

For example, let’s take the verb “사다” (sada), meaning “to buy,” and conjugate it to its past tense form “샀다” (satta). When we add the 던 ending to this verb, we get “샀던” (sattuh-deon), which means “bought” in English. Here’s an example sentence using 던:

– 나는 어제 사과를 샀던 것 같아요.
(I think I bought an apple yesterday.)

As you can see, the verb 사다 (to buy) is conjugated to its past tense form “샀다” (bought), and then we append 던 to the verb, resulting in “샀던” (bought).

던 can also be used to express repetitive actions that occurred in the past. In such cases, it conveys the meaning of “used to” or “was/were in the habit of.”

For example:

– 나는 어렸을 때 매일 운동을 했던 사람이에요.
(I was a person who used to exercise every day when I was young.)

– 그는 종종 한국에 갔던 사람이에요.
(He is a person who has been to Korea often.)

In both examples, the actions of exercising and going to Korea were repetitive and habitually happened in the past.

Conjugation of 던:

Conjugating verbs to their past tense forms is crucial before adding 던 to them. Here’s a quick guide to conjugating regular verbs in the past tense:

– For verbs ending in 아/어, replace the ending with 았다/었다.
예) 가다 (to go) becomes 갔다 (went)
보다 (to see) becomes 봤다 (saw)

– For verbs ending in 오/으, replace the ending with 였다/었었다.
예) 노래하다 (to sing) becomes 노래했다 (sang)
쓰다 (to write) becomes 썼다 (wrote)

– For verbs ending in 이, remove the 이 and add 었다.
예) 나가다 (to go out) becomes 나갔다 (went out)

It’s important to note that there are some irregular verbs in Korean that do not follow these conjugation rules. Therefore, it is crucial to learn the conjugation patterns of irregular verbs individually.

FAQs about 던:

1. Can 던 be used with any verb in Korean?
No, 던 can only be used with the past tense form of a verb. Therefore, the verb needs to be conjugated to its past tense form before adding 던.

2. Is 던 used in formal or informal speech?
던 can be used in both formal and informal speech. However, it is more commonly used in spoken or informal contexts.

3. Can 던 be used to express future actions?
No, 던 is exclusively used to express past actions or states. For future actions, a different verb ending like 겠다 can be used.

4. Is 더던 a valid form in Korean?
No, 던 is used as a standalone verb ending and cannot be combined with other verb endings like 더 (more) to create 더던.

In conclusion, 던 is a versatile verb ending in Korean that is commonly used to express past actions or states. It is essential to conjugate the verb into its past tense form before adding 던. Understanding the proper usage and conjugation of 던 is crucial for anyone looking to communicate effectively in Korean and express actions that occurred in the past.

주제와 관련된 이미지 던 Grammar

Korean grammar 한국어 문법 : 던, 었던
Korean grammar 한국어 문법 : 던, 었던

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A/N/V-았/었던 Grammar = (Reminiscence) ~Recall A Past Event That Has Not Continued To Present. – Korean Topik | Study Korean Online | Học Tiếng Hàn Online
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V-지 그래요? Grammar = Why Not, Why Don’T ~Suggest Someone To Do Something – Korean Topik | Study Korean Online | Học Tiếng Hàn Online
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Korean Grammar Comparison (-던 Vs -았던) - Youtube
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V-던데요 Grammar = I Saw/ Surprised That ~Express Contradiction Or Surprise To Something – Korean Topik | Study Korean Online | Học Tiếng Hàn Online
한국어 문법 비교 #8 (던 Vs 었던) - Youtube
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How To Use Korean Noun Modifiers 은, 는, 을. [Korean Grammar Explained] -  Youtube
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Ngữ Pháp] Động Từ/Tính Từ + 던 Và -았/었던 - Hàn Quốc Lý Thú
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Korean Grammar9 #13 -던 - Youtube
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V/Adj + 던 Vs V/Adj + 았/었던 [ Korean Grammar ] | Topik Guide
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Modifiers – It Started With Hangul
Modifiers – It Started With Hangul
Korean Grammar Comparison (-던 Vs -았던) - Youtube
Korean Grammar Comparison (-던 Vs -았던) – Youtube
던 - Key To Korean
던 – Key To Korean
한국어 중급 문법 [A/V-던] / Korean Intermediate Grammar [A/V-던] - Youtube
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Vs던 Grammar / Intermediate Level / 한국어 연습해요 / 듣기 연습 / For Korean Language  Learners - Youtube
Vs던 Grammar / Intermediate Level / 한국어 연습해요 / 듣기 연습 / For Korean Language Learners – Youtube
Day 78: -(으)려면 In Order To, If You Want To | 100 Days Korean Grammar  Challenge | Soo And Carrots 🐰🥕 - Youtube
Day 78: -(으)려면 In Order To, If You Want To | 100 Days Korean Grammar Challenge | Soo And Carrots 🐰🥕 – Youtube
How To Use ~던, ~았/었던 Retrospective Noun-Modifying Form | Intermediate  Korean Grammar - Youtube
How To Use ~던, ~았/었던 Retrospective Noun-Modifying Form | Intermediate Korean Grammar – Youtube
던 - Key To Korean
던 – Key To Korean
국어 - 화/작/문 - 문법- 오누이
국어 – 화/작/문 – 문법- 오누이
V/A-던 & V/A-았/었던 | Intermediate Korean Grammar - Youtube
V/A-던 & V/A-았/었던 | Intermediate Korean Grammar – Youtube
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Lv4 U09 Treating Best Friends Like Family Members.| N-롭다, 그랬더니, A게 여기다, V는  관습, V 기보다는, V 더군요 Grammar - Korean Topik | Study Korean Online | Học Tiếng  Hàn Online
Lv4 U09 Treating Best Friends Like Family Members.| N-롭다, 그랬더니, A게 여기다, V는 관습, V 기보다는, V 더군요 Grammar – Korean Topik | Study Korean Online | Học Tiếng Hàn Online
영어구문 Six Devils 식스데블즈 기본 - 예스24
영어구문 Six Devils 식스데블즈 기본 – 예스24
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Korean Grammar] -(으)려던 참이다 Expressing Resolution And Intent – Say Hi Korean
Is Studying Grammar Really Necessary? 문법 공부가 꼭 필요할까? | Korean Podcast Ep.2  - Youtube
Is Studying Grammar Really Necessary? 문법 공부가 꼭 필요할까? | Korean Podcast Ep.2 – Youtube
힘든 일, 어려운 도전'을 영어로? [제시의 쇼터뷰 With 엠마스톤] (러너블) : 러너블ㅣ무료 영어콘텐츠
힘든 일, 어려운 도전’을 영어로? [제시의 쇼터뷰 With 엠마스톤] (러너블) : 러너블ㅣ무료 영어콘텐츠
던 Vs 았/었/였던 | Most Confusing Korean Grammar | Korean Grammar In Nepali -  Youtube
던 Vs 았/었/였던 | Most Confusing Korean Grammar | Korean Grammar In Nepali – Youtube
Kiip Level 3 Grammars Review - By Korean Topik - Korean Topik | Study  Korean Online | Học Tiếng Hàn Online
Kiip Level 3 Grammars Review – By Korean Topik – Korean Topik | Study Korean Online | Học Tiếng Hàn Online
던 - Key To Korean
던 – Key To Korean

Article link: 던 grammar.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 던 grammar.


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